Among the most affected sectors by the pandemic will undoubtedly be live events, entertainment and tourism. To react to this situation, Link has deployed its technological research skills and ideas that come… from space!
With the awareness that the health crisis caused by Covid-19 will not fall soon, without adequate safeguarding, the Link group has put its R&D department to work to develop a sanitation solution for various types of environments that also looks beyond Covid, which could – in perspective – lead the entertainment, tourism and live events sectors to emerge from a crisis that is becoming increasingly alarming.
Link has been developing innovative solutions for Entertainment, Broadcast and Events sectors. This new technological proposal, therefore, springs ‘from within’ that same environment that it aims to defend from the invisible but no less insidious attack of the virus. The new normal that lies ahead, when the acute phase of the crisis has passed, cannot ignore a high degree of attention to the prevention of infections, through sanitisation and monitoring of air and surfaces inside buildings. Link has therefore identified the best possible technology, based on NASA research, and has proceeded to integrate it with an advanced system for air quality control, to offer everyone intelligent sanitation solutions. In short, the challenge is to get out of the Covid tunnel with the ‘internal’ capabilities and potential of the Entertainment & Broadcast sector.
The proposal is called ActivePure, and it’s an active and continuous sanitisation system of spaces and surfaces, specifically designed for environments with a large number of visitors and also usable in the presence of people, trees and animals. The system consists of sanitising devices with RCI technology (Radiant Catalytic Ionisation), air quality sensors according to IAQ standards capable of detecting the presence of viruses and fluid dynamics software, to implement specific sanitisation solutions for the vast world of entertainment and events, from large theater to small recording studio. Unlike systems that use static and passive filters, which are less effective in blocking viruses, the ActivePure system is designed to locate inactivate pathogens and destroy harmful airborne chemicals, both in the air and on surfaces. It’s not a passive filter, but an active system that produces a purifying plasma rich in hydrogen peroxide that cleans and sanitises the air and the surfaces in the environment where it is inserted, requiring very low levels of energy consumption and maintenance.
The control and data acquisition system is onboard on each unit, and is based on industrial derivation protocols that can be implemented with a wireless bridge. Each element of the installation can be remotely controlled and monitored through a dashboard or an app. Future compatibility is also planned for direct control of portable units via DMX, for perfect alignment with the show’s timeline. The hardware and software architectures have been specifically designed by Link to obtain the best possible response to the present and future needs of the market. In short, the entertainment world is equipping itself with its own antibodies not to cure, but to prevent covid in all types of environments.
For smaller and simpler environments, the same technology is also available in portable mode, or applied to wind barriers; aesthetically very appealing ‘boxes’ are also available for sanitising residential environments, hotels, etc.